Invitation to Holy Baptism:
We invite all persons of any age who have not been baptized to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism in our church. For infants and small children, at least one meeting with the Vicar is required. For older children and adults, a short course of study can be offered individually or in groups. (If you have been baptized in another tradition, the Episcopal Church recognizes baptisms performed with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)

Special Evensong for the Nation:

Sunday, November 3 at 4:00pm,
at Church of Our Saviour, DuBois.
Fr. Tim will lead a service of Evensong with special prayers
for the Nation as we approach Election Day.

Children will be welcomed to stay in the service and
will be provided with a Sunday Paper
which illustrates the scripture lessons,
as well as a Children’s Sermon and
other opportunities to actively participate in the service.